氏名 |
村瀬 浩貴 |
氏名(カナ) |
ムラセ ヒロキ |
氏名(英語) |
Murase Hiroki |
所属 |
大学 家政 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
Initial Exploration of Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Clothing Production.
International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology (ISF2024), Kyoto Hiroki Murase1, Airi Yoshida1, Misako Ando1, Takashi Masuda2, Takao Furukawa1 1 Department of textile and clothing, Faculty of home economics, Kyoritsu women’s university 2 Center for regional creation and alliance, Yamanashi Prefectural University
In this study, we developed a novel fabric utilizing additive manufacturing (AM) techniques. The fabric comprises planar surfaces filled with parallel arrays of cotton and other threads, with a pattern of flexible polymers like thermoplastic elastomers applied on their surfaces via AM. Termed as a 'novel fabric,' this yarn-resin composite offers flexibility and facilitates rapid modeling. Our presentation focuses on the outcomes of our endeavors in creating a technology to composite thread and resin in a single-stroke fashion, allowing for three-dimensional modeling.