Suppressive effect of nobiletin and epicatechin gallate on fructose uptake in human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells(ヒト腸管上皮Caco-2細胞におけるフルクトースの取り込みに対するエピカテキンガレートとノビレチンの抑制効果)(査読付)
Hesperetin modifies the composition of fecal microbiota and increases cecal levels of short-chain fatty acids in rats(ヘスペレチンはラットの糞中菌叢と盲腸内容物中の短鎖脂肪酸濃度を変化させる) <筆頭論文> (査読付)
Antioxidant activity of different grades of maple syrup as determined by hydrophilic oxygen radical absorbance capacity method (ORAC法によるメープルシロップ様々なグレードの抗酸化活性)<筆頭論文> (査読付)
Gallaled form of tea catechins, not nongallated form, increases fecal starch excretion in rats(ラットにおいてガレート型カテキンは糞中デンプン排出量を増やすが,非ガレート型は効果がない) <筆頭論文> (査読付)
Black tea polyphenols suppress postprandial hypertriacylglycerolemia by suppressing lymphatic transport of dietary fat in rats. (査読付)
Scavenging effect of tea catechins and their epimers on superoxide anion radicals generated by a hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase system <筆頭論文>(査読付)
Antioxidant activity of water extracts of Largerstroemia speciosa leaves(バナバ)葉の熱水抽出物の抗酸化活性について)《筆頭論文》(査読付)
Analysis of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in human serum obtained after ingesting green tea(緑茶摂取後のヒト血清中の(-)-エピガロカテキンガレートの測定)《筆頭綸文》(査読付)